Short stay care in Romsey, Hampshire

For an elderly person facing physical, mobility and other health issues, the psychological and emotional benefits of being able to stay in the family home can be invaluable. However, for the individual and for those looking after them, a prolonged period of home care can lead to stress, fatigue and strained relationships.

Delivered by highly trained health professionals in the comfort of a local Hampshire nursing home, respite care can provide a much-needed break for all concerned. Cedar Lawn, one of Romsey’s longest established and best regarded care homes, offers flexible short stay arrangements, ranging from a few days to several weeks or more. The 28-bedroom converted country house, set amidst manicured gardens, blends boutique period elegance with outstanding facilities to provide the perfect setting for “home-from-home” respite care.

elderly lady arranging flowers in a vase in a nursing home living room

What is short stay and respite care?

Short stay and respite care is all about rest. Rest for the elderly individual and a chance for them to benefit from the care of well-qualified health professionals who are highly trained and experienced in looking after the elderly. And rest for their regular home carers – be that family, friends or a professional home-care provider.

A well-earned break that can energise all parties, laying the foundations for returning and resuming care at home.

Respite care at Cedar Lawn Nursing Home

Located at the end of a quiet residential cul-de-sac a mile from the historic centre of Romsey, Cedar Lawn Nursing Home offers a tranquil, gracious setting ideally suited to restful respite care.

Rated “Good” by the CQC and typically averaging a rating of 9.3 or more, Cedar Lawn enjoys an excellent local reputation, earned over the years through exceptional care and hugely positive word of mouth.

Cedar Lawn Nursing Home exterior on a sunny day

A bright, welcoming care home in Romsey

Cedar Lawn combines period character with the outstanding modern care facilities required to support complex care needs. With neutral, modern décor, bedrooms are warm, bright and welcoming, many benefitting from high ceilings and expansive garden views through large windows.

Lounges, dining and communal areas also blend historical character with clean, modern interior design to create an ambience that is light, airy and welcoming. Naturally, care facilities include 24-hour nurse-call, specialist lifting equipment and profiling beds for security, safety and comfort.

elderly lady laughing with a cup of tea with other nursing home residents

Maintaining independence with short stay care

The maintenance of active lifestyles is at the heart of Cedar Lawn’s progressive care ethos. Residents are encouraged to participate in a varied range of stimulating activities which, in turn, promote positivity and support continued independence.

Short stay residents benefit from this with arts, crafts, yoga, tai chi, baking, book clubs and more… there’s something for everyone. In addition to this Cedar Lawn Nursing Home organise regular local excursions around Hampshire and beyond in their own minibus, so there’s plenty to see and do.

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Orange flowers with green stems against a beige patio

Registered Manager Bianca and her team bring a high degree of professional experience and nursing qualifications to their work at Cedar Lawn.

All staff have the appropriate diplomas or NVQs in health and social care for their roles and benefit from a programme of ongoing assessment and continuous professional development. This ensures that all care provision meets or exceeds current regulatory and compliance standards, providing residents and their loved ones the reassurance of exceptional care around the clock.

lavender plants against the green of a lawn behind

Enjoying fresh Hampshire produce

A recurring theme amongst returning short stay residents is anticipation of the delicious cuisine at Cedar Lawn. Daily changing menus are prepared and cooked on-site by chef and the kitchen team and served in the bright, airy dining room - or a resident’s own room if they prefer.

Wherever possible, all fresh produce is sourced locally from Hampshire and surrounding areas, and in season, with as few processed ingredients as possible. Dietary requirements, intolerances and preferences are carefully noted upon admission and meticulously observed at all times.

elderly man sitting in a chair leaning on walking stick smiling

Creating valuable memories at Cedar Lawn Nursing Home

The primary objective of respite care is rest, but the change of scene and company can also have a wonderfully restorative effect. Short stay residents are warmly welcomed into the home and, with only 28 bedrooms, the sense of camaraderie and community is palpable.

Activities, entertainments and excursions help bring people together and share memorable moments, so respite residents invariably return home refreshed, with renewed vigour and positivity.