Waverley Lodge Nursing Home Testimonials

Waverley garden

Waverley Lodge has the most caring staff that I have had the pleasure to know. My brother is given the best care. They support his needs emotionally and physically with dignity and gentleness. Each member of staff has a unique empathy for all the people they look after. My family respect every one of them. Thank you so much.

Elaine P - Sister of resident - July 2022


I am David and I’ve been living at Waverley for 7 years now. I really like living here, my room is spacious, comfy and homely.

I feel settled and the surroundings make everything feel luxurious. I love our trips out in the minibus, especially going for fish and chips at Hythe Marina. I enjoy the different daily activities, and really like our karaoke parties and theme days!

Staff are friendly and always helpful. We have a guinea pig here called Tufty and I’m his main carer, which I absolutely love!

David - Resident


My sister is cared for extremely well with great care and love.

I couldn’t ask for her to be in a better home and am extremely grateful to all the wonderful staff, who are also very kind to me when I visit.

Elain F - Sister of resident - July 2021